
Recently fell in love with free software,So something all right will look to see if there is no free software can and bowl。

Today, to be recommended ALZip is a compression、Decompression program,The compression program 当红炸子鸡 than WinRAR, and WinZip,Unfortunately, these two are shareware,Free compression software is undoubtedly the more people use 7-Zip up,However, 7-Zip has a small drawback,It can create self-extracting files also can do a split,That can not be made self-split file。The ALZip is not the problem,Therefore recommend to everyone。

Official website:http://www.altools.net/ALTools/ALZip/tabid/53/Default.aspx
Direct download:http://www.altools.net/portals/0/alzip.exe(Containing Chinese Language)

To establish a method of self-extracting archive split:

1.First make split compressed files,Will produce .alz、.a00、.a01…And other files

2.Alz file, right-click, choose "production ALZip self-extracting file"

3.Generated. Exe file after completion,.alz to remove

Lawless behavior 就搞 one constant image 是 WinRAR a regrettable comparison,After all, this is free of charge,However only multiple actions.,Do not spend too much time

2 Responses

  1. anson Says |

    Principal Reply:
    The bottom of the download page there is a separate language file
    Big5 Oh ~

  2. Passerby Says |

    Yes 以選 擇耶 Chinese parallel 沒有
    Speaking only English 而已 Yes…

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