Sep 29

Round 3 of the last final failed,Read-only to Category,Communicated throughout 沒摸 摸都 Jinretsu,However, there are still a little harvest,Last read carefully,May also be relatively older relationship,Many concepts have figured out,Especially the concept of classes and objects,Figured,Read more smoothly,Also a cause for 偷懶 Relation 來好 image after,Interrupted the study plan。

Yesterday, the fourth time picked up the book look,Try not to give yourself pressure,I hope he can learn just normal,Currently I feel pretty good。In addition,I intend to up your own exercise program PO,Although very shameful,But I think this will help to increase I will learn the power of Java,So I hope you can forgive me for this stupid and idiotic acts。If you see the future of theme exercise program,After reading smiled like,We 您要 guidance 如果 當然,I'd appreciate it:)

Above,The making of a declaration for future stupid program theme,Cipian link will be attached to the bottom of each exercise program themes。

All sample programs have been moved toJava Island

[Further reading

Apr 4


Today they open the dusty Java books,Intends to four days even fake it a good K K。This…..Is the third time I challenge it!

Vocational quite like Java,Language and Culture University 沒有 comparable formula process 當時,So simply like this name,No other factors。After college just to have the opportunity to join this course,But !!! I did not even learn the,Completing it learned nothing,After they buy books from repair。First bought the original teacher recommended "Java SSP",Throughout a region 卡住 Jinretsu 來看 after,Stopped。Separated for some time,Suddenly wants to learn,Phase in the program forum recommended by a lot of people "JAVA 2 beginner guidelines",Another defeat down K,Later in the same place and the array stopped。

這次,See if I can break through this array curse in one fell swoop,Yasushi 莊大 Java open road a 啟俺