Completed "AD password verification"and"AD password change》After two APIs,Next, use .NET MAUI Blazor to write desktop programs。After learning a little about Blazor,I feel so magical,It feels like putting a web page into an application,When running, you can also see Edge-related components running behind it in the "Job Manager",Then press F12 and there will be a developer tools window! But this also gave me some security concerns.。But the overall feeling is quite special.,I happen to be familiar with web page syntax,Use Razor to design UI screens,Feeling more friendly。

Following completion API to verify AD password Later,Then try to write the part to change the password,Even though I stumbled, I finally finished it.。This time I will share how to write three different packages.,And the title will mention “Change your AD password” It’s because I discovered during the writing process,Some methods require the permissions of a domain administrator to perform,Therefore, the scope of this article will be limited to only using the user’s own account and password.,You can complete the action of changing the password。

Recently I tried to write an AD account password modification program through ASP.NET Core.,In terms of architecture, there is generally a Web API for AD authentication and password modification.,Finally, write a desktop application,Let users modify it themselves。What is completed this time is the Web API for account and password verification.,The program is as follows:

Previously, colleagues reported that Google’s QR Code API sometimes failed to work.,After checking the relevant information,Got the idea to learn C# by writing this API,Spent some time exploring,I really got it out of you。The function of this API is to enter a value in the URL,You can generate QRCode images directly in the browser,The following will be written for the first time ASP.NET Core / Explained from the perspective of a newbie in C#。

<%# Eval("SDate", "{0:yyyy/MM/dd}") %> // 0: 表示定義整個括號裡面的第 0 個變數要採用此日期格式。 // 以下為兩個變數的範例。 string s = String.Format("At {0}, the temperature is {1}°C.", DateTime.Now, 20.4); Console.WriteLine(s); // Output similar to: 'At 4/10/2015 9:29:41 AM, the temperature is 20.4°C.'
- – how to apply particular FORMAT of date by using eval? – Stack Overflow
- c# – What does the 0 in “{0:MM dd yyyy}” do? – Stack Overflow
- String.Format method (System) | Microsoft Docs
- Custom date and time format strings | Microsoft Docs
- Standard date and time format strings | Microsoft Docs

//MVC3開始,新增Razer語法,不同於先前的<%...%>括號語法,使用At Sgin(@)敘述程式碼片段。 //在Razer檢視中,使用@*...*@進行程式註解。 //在程式碼中,要輸出內容,要加@或@(...) //在html標籤中,要輸出內容,要加@ //在程式碼中,要輸出純文字,要加@:
@if(true) { String strPrint = "這是測試輸出文字"; @strPrint<br/> <span>strPring</span><br /> <span>@strPrint</span><br /> } @{string strl = "測試";} @(strl)輸出文字<br /> @{ string strHtml1 = "<ul><li>項目一</li></ul>";} @Html.Raw(strHtml1)<br />

//在測試Controller與View時,如果因為設中斷點導致網頁顯示不完整而無法進行測試, //可以試著點選"跳離函式(Shift+F11)",讓頁面完整顯示,以進行測試。 //先於Model設計好欄位變數等, //再於Controller設定執行時,透過剛設計的Model樣板,進行各個變數的處理(遞交資料) //如從網頁欄位A讀取資料到變數X,再把X送到網頁的欄位B //最後於View設計各欄位的顯示情形

//Controllers\HomeController.cs public ActionResult Index() { TempData["Message"] = "修改此範本即可開始著手進行您的ASP.NET MVC應用程式。"; return View(); }
<!--Views\Home\Index.cshtml--> <h2>@TempData["Message"]</h2>

//資料模型一對多關聯 public class Guestbook { public int Id { get; set; } public string Content { get; set; } public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } public Member Member { get; set; } } public class Member { [Key] public string Username { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public ICollection<Guestbook> Guestbook { get; set; } } //Code First 就是在Model定義好各欄位後,其他的Controller、View都會自動幫你產生, //很神奇的功能,讓你專注在寫Model的部分就好

public class Index { [DisplayName("必選修")] //上面中括號這項非必要 public string Required { get; set; } /*name只能有一個,所以這兩段先註解掉 [Required(ErrorMessage = "學生姓名不得為空白")] public string Name { get; set; } [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "學生姓名不得超過10字元")] public string Name { get; set; } */ [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "學生姓名必須介於2-10字元", MinimumLength = 2)] public string Name { get; set; } [Range(0, 100, ErrorMessage = "得分必須介於0~100之間")] public int Point { get; set; } [System.Web.Mvc.Compare("re_password", ErrorMessage = "兩次密碼輸入不一致")] //上面沒有using System.Web.Mvc的話,這邊就要打完整的命名空間 public string Password { get; set; } public string Re_password { get; set; } [RegularExpression( @"^[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}-?[0-9]{-4}$", ErrorMessage = "請輸入正確的電話號碼")] public string Phone { get; set; } [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "這不是E-mail格式")] public string Studentmail { get; set; } [Url(ErrorMessage = "這不是網址標準格式")] public string Url { get; set; } [FileExtensions(ErrorMessage = "所上傳的檔案不是圖片")] public string File { get; set; } [CreditCard(ErrorMessage = "這不是信用卡格式")] public string CreditCard { get; set; } [DataType(DataType.Date)] public string Date { get; set; } [Remote("RemoteTest", "Home", ErrorMessage = "Remote屬性測試")] public string For_Remote { get; set; } [MetadataType(typeof(ContentMetaData))] public partial class Content { private class ContentMetaData { [DisplayName("編號")] public int Id { get; set; } [DisplayName("姓名")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "請輸入性名")] [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "姓名不得超過10字元")] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("內容")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "請輸入內容")] public string Content { get; set; } } } }