台電於去年推出綠色電力申購的服務,起初只能透書面資料申請,後來為了推廣綠電,後續已可透過電話或網路的方式申購,Convenient enough。Last year I applied through writing,今年試著透過網路申請,但一直找不到申請的頁面,Just finally found the link through the Xtra News。
1.Find the "Internet counter" "convenience services" in the Taipower website。
2.進入「網路櫃檯」後,Click on "Online Application"。
3.On the right to find "green power" project。※此項目不需要透過自然人憑證登入。
依照各欄位填入相關資訊即可完整申請,今年似乎多了一個「認購方式」的選項,其中有「依實認購每期用電度數」及「平均分攤至各期電費」兩個項目,Two differences exemplified below:
1.假設你半年申購600度,第一期(兩個月)180 electrical degrees:
選擇「依實認購每期用電度數」,So the first phase of green electricity subscribed to 180 degrees;
選擇「平均分攤至各期電費」,So the first part of the subscription of green electricity is also 180 degrees。
2.假設你半年申購600度,第一期(兩個月)220 electrical degrees:
選擇「依實認購每期用電度數」,Then the green power subscription for the first phase of 220 degrees;
選擇「平均分攤至各期電費」,So the first part of the subscription of green electricity was 200 degrees。
如果上半年度若有剩餘度數,The exhibition continues until the second half of pricing。