Oct 29

This article quoted from:iThome online

Garbled e-mail often encountered problem,How to modify the settings to the end of "chaos" like? ,Is that all users unified in Unicode encoding。

Normal electron emergence 亂碼 problem 郵件,Sometimes can be resolved smoothly by adjusting the encoding,But not always work。Actually,The root cause of majority resulting in garbled,Because of the different ways of encoding the world used in the computer,For example, positive body accepted by the Chinese encoding is Big5 (five yards),Accepted by the mainland Chinese Simplified encoding GB (GB code),Computer text conversion process,It is prone to garbled。

Solve the garbled ultimate,Is that all users unified in Unicode encoding。But,Users are often accustomed to not modify the default values,Therefore, a short time,Hen-using formula 軟體 碼方,Will remain "fragmented",The most rapid and effective to avoid garbled way,Is the message across attachment。

Outlook Express是使用率很高的郵件軟體,But also often lead to garbage problem,Users the best to modify the e-mail to send and read format,In order to avoid problems garbled。

Continue browsing »

Oct 28

Just yesterday morning,Masaru Ubuntu 7.10 Coming down the computer,Everything went smoothly,Much better than the experience of the past,Even let me directly to the Windows perspective to feel this operating system。The current impression is,要取代windows,Honestly,I think there is still a way to go,But,The end of the road is no longer so far away!

Noon to dinner with friends,Ubuntu 聊聊 扯西 throughout east,Original friends in the play,Little idea exchange,Two people are novice,Understanding of not more,But this package feel quite interesting。

I mainly set some commonly used software in the,Intend to first get the basic environment,Lane side edge exploration。Morning are engaged in input method,Is unable to adjust to the habits,But just replaced by another set after,I feel kinda bad,Was then successfully installed the music player,The whole sense of accomplishment out,Oh What a Feeling,Ha!

ubuntu will still need some instructions,I would have used some instructions recorded (By the way,ubuntu 内建 的 笔记 功能 还挺 便利 的 呢!),In addition to the Notepad,Net magazine 份在 錄 one we described likely return,In addition to the double backup function of,May also be able to help other users,Serve several,Why not,However, because the property than the partial Notepad notes,Therefore will be thrown into the island of Java that board to,Afraid to throw this blog will be a little mixed plate。

Linux 了 contact touches the Fourth 是 應該 這次,The front two are playing with toys,Third of Debian touched two days later in the text mode,Finally succeeded in entering the x-window,怎麼 required use Tomomichi 而不 卻反 result,Into the x-window target has been reached,Large power reduction during incarceration,After completion 續玩 沒繼 來就,Hope this can be successful by ubuntu led me into the world Linux。


Oct 21


Current common freeware,Most are only for personal terms,If commercial,It is another matter。The company recently tried to put on your computer Freeware,Noticed this phenomenon,The original so-called freeware,Conditional or what!

FuturixImager this time to introduce,Is a truly 100% free show map program,Whether for personal or business use are all free,The interface is clean and simple FuturixImager,Very suitable to use it as a simple plug-tools。The program also provides photo editing functionality,Can do some basic image editing operations。

FuturixImager official website otherwise provided plug pack,Download and install proposal together,Otherwise, the default program in view animated gif files, but will not move when Oh!


Oct 14
The way?
icon1 Anson | icon2 Mood Xinyu | icon4 10 14th, 2007| icon1 10,497 views | icon34 Comments »

Yesterday checked Taipower's list,The results had expected - exam,Not much disappointed hearts,Actually began to worry about how to get way ahead。MIS is currently doing,But always think the future development of this road is limited,So every day thinking, "My future is in what?"

Just check some national examination information,With some contradictory ideas,Trouble is when,Suddenly realized that I really think too much。Now it just to find a job,MIS field for understanding but not a lot,And my mobility are far lower than thinking,Do not like to think about,First in line to do this for a while,and more reading,Enrich their experience with the idea,And other information melon head long enough,Go to think about the future of the road,Such judgments will be made more correct now!

Just recently a tap too often computer,See if you can see some of these time-Norwegian book,And I have not had to touch the bookcase book it!

Oct 7
Life is different every day waiting to solve ~ ~
On the side you choose to face or escape….
There are many things…Because to think too much and too many assumptions…
And made himself nerves….Will be afraid…Would want to escape….
But if we can have the courage to face him…招拆 invited to see…
In fact…There are many problems will therefore be solved….
Face or evade an idea in between…..
Any one option will bring up different results….
Crawling…Life ~ ~!!
So…Step in the wrong…Wrong step…
Moment caused a flight 那 擇 當選…Your life…
Is walking like a false start….

By a friend
Oct 6

Nothing else,By Liza put on my bedside Hanada doll all the way to shoot a portrait。Hanada Shonen history of this series a total of five doll,Each of these needs through a simple combination (that toy friends),And through this assembly process,Council makes a kind of sense of participation,It is generally compared to the supermarket for-doll,Would be more different feeling。

Along with the specter of snow

Along with Aru

All the way to grandma and Yoshikawa

All the way to the right to eight

Along with psychics ni Kai Duli


Oct 2

Two days prior to the application of the counter Site States,Was originally intended to replace the sky counter,However, after a few days off to observe,But found that the number of daily visits of some excessive Site States,So today they found a counter to try Histats.com。The three counters have different settings,I will explain the results of my observations。

  天空部落的計數器是採cookie紀錄的方式,設定為半小時清除一次,也就是半個小時內不論你點幾次,Are considered a head。A special feature is,只有點擊首頁才會被算進去,這部份在「The accuracy of the sky tribal counter"There are detailed instructions。

  Site StatesIP addresses are added to determine the use of cookie,cookie set time is 40 minutes,ButActual test results,Sometimes only five minutes to add on another one of his,For practical reasons unknown (10/9Update:See detailed reasons under roga reply),I'm not sure whether it is related with the click on different pages,Thus causing inflated the number of visitors,That is why I want to replace the。Site States have provided additional sources of visitors to the query function。

  再來就是這篇要推薦的Histats.com了,Histats.com的紀錄方式應該是屬於cookie,但實際上我並沒有找到確切的cookie紀錄,Related cookie expiration date is set one year later。我改變IP後並不會造成計數增加,So it is to use cookie judgment record,As for the cookie expiration date,I tested to a maximum of two hours,Counters are also not re-count,So I guess (sorry,No detailed measurements) may be set as a day for it。

In addition to outside visitors count Histats.com,There are pages(page)Click Record,IP is classified as,Sum up,Histats.com background information is very rich。Histats.com application can reference "s9011514@blog"Teaching,s9011514兄有做非常詳盡的教學,Will not repeat them here。It is noted that,In "Value are sorted by server(順序設定)」的地方,事實上似乎只能設定顯示哪些數值,而不能設定順序!

In addition,Histats.com還可以將本機電腦的瀏覽紀錄排除掉,So that results can more accurately record。The method as set:

點擊「Account」 – 「GET counter code」,Switch to the "EXCLUDE YOUR PC"Label

There are two ways,One is to click "Click here to downlod the file"The file is transmitted to your blog space,And in accordance with instructions set。

Another way is to stick to the right of JavaScript to your blog,As described will produce the left:

To dismiss the left represents the native browsing history,The right to set reduction。After clicking,This can dismount JavaScript syntax。



[Further reading

Oct 2

Niang should request,The Ann recent photos organized into the mix on the younger sister blog。(Ann really getting cute




Oct 1

Before learning words,Find a variety of learning channels,Including subscription newsletters, and online English learning website,An ability to provide capital inequality 單字 Discipline 每天 找到 function of hope for 是,But never did find one to meet the demand,Most of them are a week or month is only updated once,If you wish to learn more every day the NA。

Was inadvertently connected to the MSN dictionary,Finally reached my needs。MSN than any other dictionary online dictionaries in different places every time we enter the time,Akira shows an individual machine 單字 會隨,This is a very intimate function for people planning daily recite the words。Any time you want to back words,A new arrangement under the weight on a continuous,Think back a few can。

MSN dictionary only drawback is pronunciation function,發音 regarded as a self-check against lawlessness,So like Yahoo needs through、Giga other dictionary sites to query,This is a more inconvenient place。
