Press:Spring Publishing
Publishing Day:2006January
Individual competitions:★★☆
這本書算是一本陪伴文學,The main contents of some notes during the hospitalization of the mother。
當初原本以為內容是描述母親對於孩子的愛,以及作者對於母親的感謝等,而事實上,這本書幾乎可以看成是一本日記本,且是普通在記事的那種,對於我期望的內容雖有所提及,But only a few words to it。
網路文學有時與一般文學還是有些差別,Internet article published motivation may be very common、Even the whim of the ordinary,較以作者為中心,想說就說啥,With friends love Kan Bukan;The books may be more general viewpoint of the reader,Pay attention to the feeling of the reader。The book was originally published in a Blog on the author,之後才發行成冊,這種直接將網路文章轉移至書本上的作法,如果讀者沒有心理準備的話,很可能會一時調適不過來,我在讀此書時就有這種情形,My default position is wrong! So the more there is to see behind the empty feeling。
先前在網路上看到 「原來我不帥」這篇文章時,爆笑的內容讓我有股衝動想買下它,在冷靜思考後,Decided to say in the computer watching。Spent hours reading,越後面的笑點跟一開始的爆笑相比可說是天壤之別,且結局還蠻莫名其妙的,Are not even endings。Thought to myself fortunately did not spend money on,不然實在太浪費了!
Books are now through the Internet bookstore,There is no way to read the contents,So often encounter this "has to be given with the gap 'situation,Rely on Internet and catalog description bookstore to depend,Will also provide a little better look at some of the test content,Let us know more about this book before buying what he was saying,But this is only part of the book have,Minority。
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