
Author:Zhu Ziqing
Press:Taiwan Digital Publishing Alliance (One Hundred Years Thousand Books Project)
Publishing Day:2011/09/29
Individual competitions:★★★★☆
Ebook link:Readmoo

   This free e-book should have been in my bookcase for seven years,Recently I started with MooInk,Just opened him up and watched。He should have been put in the bookcase because it included the "Back View" from the previous textbook for free.,But it left him silent for seven years。After MooInk started,I was thinking about deleting him,I chose to open it later,Learn about the “prose” What's going on。

  Read Zhu Ziqing's text,Can immerse people in the picture he describes,Whether it’s for viewing the scenery,Still on the street,Feel quite comfortable。When reading "back view",Imagine the scene of the old father climbing over the platform;When you read "For the deceased woman",There are pictures of his wife's hard work but no complaints in my mind。Each piece of prose in the trail is not much,So there is no pressure to read,Feels small and beautiful,Quite recommended。

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