Outlook LDAP通訊錄在Windows 7下很慢

Is quite common practice to use AD to build the LDAP address book,For enterprises,,Also eliminates the need for colleagues to maintain contact trouble,Arrive at the current exchange 步更 已逐 Windows Windows 7,而在Windows 7底下使用Outlook的LDAP通訊錄時,But the problem will occur significant pause。

搜尋 statement on current issues in Google 這個,Seem to find what people react,However, in a foreign country does have a lot of people are complaining about this problem,Ways to resolve the address of the LDAP server by FQDN change the IP address,So will be able to effectively solve the problem pause。

碼的 method 碼機 machine breaks Osamu 另有 street network provides,I tested had no effect,Methods as below:

以Outlook 2010為例,Locate the following key in the registry,Not the new

Add a DWORD named NoDisplayNameSearch,Value of 1


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