
Previously introduced ShowMyPC this easy-to-use remote control program,牆 穿過 direct fire than the maximum allowed 軟體 receipt of the far-favorable 是 處就 這類,Continuous line at the far end of immediate progress,Help solve the problem do not understand computers,Is a very convenient tool。

ShowMyPC itself is built on VNC technology under,Under normal use,Each can connect to one hour,Is usually enough to use。

ShowMyPC very much of a muchness 跟 其實 TeamViewer 紹的 Yosuke 這篇,But its biggest advantage is when the network is of poor quality,TeamViewer仍可維持不錯的流暢度,Just this point we can think that we save a lot of time to wait for the pause,So then I will change as the primary connection tool to TeamViewer。

In addition,TeamViewer is a very wide degree of cross-platform part of the support,In addition to Windows、MAC,Corresponding version on Linux,Although the wine to the implementation of,But equally easy to use。And also provide a version of the page QuickSupport,Host only need to download after the implementation of,Can begin to connect job,Convenience high。

  TeamViewer連線方式也跟ShowMyPC差不多,Host to produce a group ID and password,Referred to the control terminal input wirings。


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