12 月 13

>Entity Framework(often referred to as EF):
>a .NET Framework data-access technology to define and work with model classes.
>By default, the Entity Framework looks for a connection string named the same as the object context class (MovieDBContext for this project).

>Entity Framework is default to using LocalDB.

>LocalDB is a lightweight version of the SQL Server Express Database Engine
>LocalDB runs in a special execution mode of SQL Server Express that enables you to work with databases as .mdf files.
>Typically, LocalDB database files are kept in the App_Data folder of a web project.

>SQL Server Express is not recommended for use in production web applications.
>LocalDB in particular should not be used for production with a web application because it is not designed to work with IIS. However, a LocalDB database can be easily migrated to SQL Server or SQL Azure.

12 月 13

  在微軟的權限設計裡,有個”Remote Desktop Users”的權限給遠端桌面使用者使用,但實務上此權限常使一些應用程式無法完全正常操作,使得需開放”Administrator”權限給給遠端桌面的使用者,而User在使用遠端桌面時,有時會忘了自己在操控遠端的電腦,在要下班時,可能就直接按了遠端的關機或重開機按鈕,導致伺服器下線。
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12 月 12

>Razor code註解符號 @*…….*@

>A controller class is where you write the code that handles the incoming browser requests, retrieves data from a database, and ultimately decides what type of response to send back to the browser.

>A view template should never perform business logic or interact with a database directly. Instead, a view template should work only with the data that’s provided to it by the controller. Maintaining this “separation of concerns” helps keep your code clean, testable and more maintainable.


12 月 12

  最近公司Windows 10 Notebook的Wifi問題不少,其中一台的狀況是使用到一半後會斷線,之後便再也無法取得IP位址。查修後,發現該NB的無線MAC位址竟然會變動,等到第二次又發生斷線時,查修又再一次發生MAC位址變動的情形。
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12 月 11

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12 月 7

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12 月 4

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12 月 3


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12 月 3


11 月 24

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