为 Rhythmbox 加上 EQ II 等化器 外挂

rhythnboxTwo years ago sent a plus for Rhythmbox Equalizer EQ plug-article,Banshee formation after a sound modification equations 樂播 release came after ubuntu 內建,And on homeopathic switch Banshee,Rose to 12.10,沒想到ubuntu又改回Rhythmbox(真是善變),而我也跟著用了(也很善變)去翻了之前的文章來安裝EQ等化器外掛,But seems to have been unable to use,因此又去找了其他解決方案


This time use the WebUpd8 package,首先在軟體來源加入下方套件庫



Then in a terminal update the repository,再安裝plugin即可

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-pligin-equalizer


Restart Rhythmbox,在 "编辑" - "外挂 模组" 启动 "Equalizer",按確定後接著在「控制」-「Equalizer」設定即可



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