VirtualBox安裝Windows 2000不斷重開機

vm  在公司試著在VirtualBox安裝Windows 2000 Server時,每到複製檔案的地方,就自動重開機,Probado,原以為是軟硬體支援度的問題,本打算作罷,沒想到竟在Google找到了答案…

  而發生的原因竟然是太快了!這算是Windows 2000的一個bug擷取Sun官方說明如下

After issuing a hard disk request, there is a race condition in the Windows driver code which leads to corruption if the operation completes too fast, i.e. the hardware interrupt from the IDE controller arrives too soon. With physical hardware, there is a guaranteed delay in most systems so the problem is usually hidden there (however it should be possible to reproduce it on physical hardware as well). In a virtual environment, it is possible for the operation to be done immediately (especially on very fast systems with multiple CPUs) and the interrupt is signaled sooner than on a physical system.


VBoxManage setextradata VMNAME        "VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/IRQDelay" 1



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